Branching into the future
New Playland Nursery School has been serving the Mississauga city center area for over 30 years.
First, to provide a safe, healthy, stimulating environment and care of good quality for the children we serve. Secondly, to provide a program and environment that will focus on children’s social, emotional, physical, creative and cognitive development in a holistic way.
Drawing from the Ministry of Education’s guiding document, “How Does Learning Happen?“, our pedagogy is based on four foundations: belonging, engagement, expression and well-being. A child who belongs, feels engaged, can express oneself and feels good, is a child who can learn and develop optimally. We view children as competent, capable of complex thinking, curious, and rich in potential, and, therefore, take our cue from the children in forming our curriculum. This “emergent curriculum” is play-based, but includes set learning objectives.
Our program is based on a hands-on, free choice approach to learning. The room is set up to cover many interest areas (science, music, art, movement, dramatic play, fine motor / manipulative) and the children are free to choose an activity of interest to them. The monthly and weekly activity programs for children interests are based on themes.
Our Centre has six classrooms to meet the ever growing and changing needs of the children.
Infants: 3 Months to 18 Months
Toddlers: 18 Months to 2.5 years old
Preschool: 2.5 to 6 years old
Get to know us by reading the New Playland Nursery School Parent Handbook.
New Playland Nursery School has been a long time member of Peel Region’s Quality Initiative Program ‘Raising The Bar’. We also have program support staff through Peel Inclusive Resource Supports.